
The Roman heritage of Óbuda

On 20 and 27 October 2019, Aquincum Museum members of staff take participants on a guided tour in Óbuda, of what was once the Aquincum Civil and Military Town (in Hungarian).

Of the two planned walks, led by museum members of staff, the first will take a closer look at the civilian settlement, while the second will cover the military town. The walks will also bring to the fore hidden and invisible remains.

During the event, participants will be given a guided tour in what is now Óbuda. In addition to the layout and daily life of the Roman town, we will, of course, have a look at how the ancient remains have become a part of the modern cityscape.

For further details contact us at aquincum@aquincum.hu


Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020