
Photo contest – results

The results of the photo contest of members of the Facebook group "Óbuda today, as we see it".

We selected the winning photographs in three categories together with the Museum Education Unit:

First prize: Photo by István Fekete

Second prize (shared): Photos by Tamás Jónás and Bertold Lakner

Special prize for the “cutest photo”: Mariann Galambos

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All participating group members receive a ticket for 2 for the Floralia (on either 20 or 21 May 2017).

Winners of the First prize and Second prize also receive a t-shirt with a picture of the exhibition ‘On secret paths’. The winner of the Special prize for the cutest photo receives a surprise.

Prizes can be collected at the cashier’s desk during the Floralia.

Submitted photos will be published on our website and Facebook page.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all for taking part!

A selection from the submitted photographs:

Ágnes Eckhardt 

20170408_134903 Eckhardt Ágnes

Imre Galambos 

AM_1_ifj_ Galambos Imre

Lici Kis 

Aquicum 2 037 Kis Lici

Mária Radóné 

DSCF0585 Radóné Mária

István Neubrandt 

DSCF1022 Neubrandt István

Katalin Karáné Vörös 

DSCN2740 Karáné Vörös Katalin

László Bódi 

IMG_1335 Bódi László

Éva Bowditch 

IMG_2333 Bowditch Éva

Éva Mihály 


Marianna Szuhay-Havas 


Éva Kerekes 

vegyes 1226_1 Kerekes Éva

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020