
The Cella Trichora

The remains of an Early Christian burial chapel at the corner of Körte Street, Hunor Street and Raktár Street.

The remains of an Early Christian burial chapel with three apses (cella trichora) built around 360, and the remains of earlier buildings from multiple periods (2nd-3rd centuries) in the Military Town, can be found at the intersection of Körte Street, Hunor Street and Raktár Street.

These buildings opened onto the Roman predecessor of modern-day Hunor Street. Present-day Vörösvári Road is the modern continuation of the ancient road leading out of the western gate of the legionary fortress (porta decumana), to which the ancient road that began at the north-western corner of the fortress (present-day Hunor Street) runs parallel.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020