
(HU) Gyógynövényséta a romkertben

Aktuális program

(HU) Gyógynövényséta az Aquincumi Múzeum romkertjében 2023. szeptember 30-án., 15:00-16:30.


European Heritage Days

Aktuális program

During the European Heritage Days on Saturday and Sunday, 16 and 17 September 2023 the Aquincum Museum can be visited free of charge.


AmfiFeszt (08-10/09) Pacsirtamező St. 2-14

Aktuális program

Where? Aquincum Military Town amphitheatre (Budapest, District 3, Pacsirtamező utca 2-14.) When? 8-10 September 2023.


Bring Grandpa! – Hercules villa

Aktuális program

This event is in Hungarian only.


Night of Museums 2023

Aktuális program

Night of the Museums at Aquincum on 24 June 2023, 16:00-00:30!

BFZ Zenei vásár

BFO Music Fair and Family Day

Aktuális program

The Budapest Festival Orchestra is organising a music fair and family day at the Aquincum Museum from 11:00 to 19:00 on Saturday 3 June 2023! Free admission for all visitors!

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Floralia XXXII – 12-14 May 2023

Aktuális program

Between 12 and 14 May 2023, it's once again Floralia at the Aquincum Museum!

Keep Floyding 0512

Keep Floyding @ Aquincum Polgárvárosi Amfiteátrum

Aktuális program

On Friday 12 May 2023, from 19:30 The Dark Side of the Moon 50 - Keep Floyding at the Civil Town Amphitheatre. Doors open at 17:30.

Gastro special

FLORALIA Gastro special

Aktuális program

FLORALIA Gastro special - with authentic tasting, eat as the Romans did! 11:00 to 15:00, on Friday, 12 May 2023 at the Aquincum Museum.

Day of Óbuda

Aktuális program

On accont of the Day of Óbuda, on Saturday and Sunday 6-7 May 2023, the Aquincum Museum's permanent and temporary exhibitions as well as the Archaeological Park can be visited free of charge.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020