
Dr. Edit Sárosi

Head of Department, Archaeologist, kutatási terület: Roman and medieval settlement and landscape history sarosi.edit@aquincum.hu

Dr. Péter Vámos PhD

Deputy Head of Department, Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Roman pottery vamos.peter@aquincum.hu

Dr. József Beszédes PhD

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Stone carving in the Roman period beszedesjozsef@windowslive.com

Anna Zsófia Biller

Archaeologist, Archaeozoologist, kutatási terület: Archaeozoological analysis of animal remains from archaeological sites biller.anna@aquincum.hu

Tibor Budai-Balogh

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Stone carving and stone statuary in the Roman period budai-balogh.tibor@aquincum.hu

Katalin Csontos

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist csontos@aquincum.hu

Boglárka Fábián

Archaeologist, Museologist, kutatási terület: Roman stone carving; Roman and Pannonian sculpture; Roman law fabian.boglarka@aquincum.hu
Gabriella Fényes

Dr. Gabriella Fényes PhD

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Baths in Aquincum, Roman bathing culture, Ancient thermal baths, the Aquincum organ, Ancient inventions, Aqueducts fenyes.gabriella@btm.hu

Fanni Fodor

Archaeologist, kutatási terület: Roman period, History of religion, Iconography fodorfanni@aquincum.hu
Hajdu Barbara

Barbara Hajdu

Archaeologist, kutatási terület: Terra sigillata, Roman economy hajdu.barbara@aquincum.hu
Kelemen Zsófia

Zsófia Zsuzsanna Kelemen

Archaeologist, kutatási terület: Roman glassware and clothing history kelemen.zsofia@btm.hu

Dr. Anita Kirchhof PhD

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Ancient wall painting, Mosaic art, Aquincum Military Town kirchhof.anita@aquincum.hu

Gergő Kostyál

Archaeologist, kutatási terület: Roman burials kostyal.gergo@btm.hu

Dr. Orsolya Láng PhD

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Roman urbanism, Industry and commerce in the Roman period lang.orsolya@aquincum.hu
Milbich Tamás

Tamás Milbich

Archaeologist, kutatási terület: Roman army milbich.tamas@btm.hu

Alexandra Nagy

Archaeologist, Museologist, kutatási terület: Topography of Roman Víziváros (Budapest), Roman pottery nagy.alexandra@iif.hu

Anita Polgár-Nyerges

Archaeologist, Museologist, kutatási terület: Decoration of the governor's palace in Savaria, Lamps from the Roman period nyerges.anita@gmail.com

Erika Tóth


Dr. Lóránt Vass PhD

Archaeologist, Museologist, kutatási terület: Roman bone carvings, material culture, the archaeology of the Roman Near East, Pannonia and Dacia vass.lorant@aquincum.hu

Nikoletta Varga

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Roman pottery, Raetian ware varga.nikoletta@aquincum.hu

Anett Verebes

Archaeological Technician, Drawings Collection Manager, Museologist, Arché database system administrator, kutatási terület: Archaeometry verebes.anett@aquincum.hu

Adrienn Vukics

Archaeologist, Museologist vukics@aquincum.hu

Alice M. Choyke PhD

Retired Archaeologist, Archaeozoologist

Dr. Annamária Facsády PhD

Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, Retired Deputy Director of the BHM Aquincum Museum, Retired Head of Department - Department of Ancient History, kutatási terület: Roman jewellery, Roman iconography, Numismatics facsady.annamaria@gmail.com

Katalin Hlavácsné Kérdő †

Retired Archaeologist, Senior Museologist

Dr. Margit Németh PhD (Candidate of Sciences)

Retired Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Aquincum legionary fortress

Dr. Klára Póczy PhD †

Retired Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, Retired Director of the BHM Aquincum Museum
Szirmai Krisztina

Dr. Krisztina Szirmai †

Retired Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Statuary in the Roman period

Dr. Judit Topál

Retired Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, kutatási terület: Roman period

Dr. Paula Zsidi PhD

Retired Archaeologist, Senior Museologist, Retired Director of the Aquincum Museum, Retired Deputy Director-General of the Budapest History Museum

Krisztián Kolozsvári

Graphic Designer, Photographic Archive Manager kolozsvari@aquincum.hu

Péter Komjáthy


Tibor Kovács

Geodetic Surveyor

Tamás Lajtos

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020