
Ingenious inventions – Innovative ideas. Interview with the curator.


The Aquincum Museum’s new temporary exhibition presents an especially fruitful period in Antiquity for the history of technology. Visitors can find out about the ingenious inventions of the age, and the geniuses who created them. Interview with the curator, archaeologist Dr Gabriella Fényes.

Heron II boritokep

Heron of Alexandria II: The world’s first “automobile” and other inventions


As part of our new temporary exhibition “Ingenious inventions – Innovative ideas: Episodes from the history of ancient technology” we are regularly presenting online 2000-year-old innovations in science and technology, and give tips on how those interested can become ancient engineers. At the heart of our fourth episode is Heron of Alexandria's "automobile" and other inventions.


Local government – SPQR writ small


Earlier we met an Aquincum resident by the name of M. Antonius Victorinus from the late-2nd century and the first half of the 3rd century. Inscriptions from for instance the Mithras sanctuary built next to his house in the Civil Town tell us that Victorinus wasn’t just a simple citizen. Among other things, he was one of Aquincum’s decurions. What this means is the subject of our latest entry.


Heron of Alexandria: A real jack of all trades from the ancient world


As part of our new temporary exhibition “Ingenious inventions – Innovative ideas: Episodes from the history of ancient technology” we are regularly presenting online 2000-year-old innovations in science and technology, and give tips on how those interested can become ancient engineers. At the heart of our third episode is Heron of Alexandria: A real jack of all trades from the ancient world.

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Philon of Byzantium: Everyone’s favourite science teacher from Antiquity


As part of our new temporary exhibition “Ingenious inventions – Innovative ideas: Episodes from the history of ancient technology” we are regularly presenting online 2000-year-old innovations in science and technology, and give tips on how those interested can become ancient engineers. At the heart of our second episode is Philon of Byzantium: Everyone’s favourite science teacher from Antiquity.

Széchenyi 2020
Széchenyi 2020